Home Userlist User: Warriorbeast User: Warriorbeast WarriorbeastMembers Registered on 03,20.21 12:53 Last activity on 07,10.22 10:12 Wall About me Characters Wall CommentsNo comments available. Characters 1 Character name Level Rank Type Events: AaryonarAnniversaryArgath 1Argin-HizArx Mentis 1Arx Mentis 2BD BonecrackerBD BopoBD DeathgliderBD DeathleaperBD Elder GotikanBD Jorth Hunter of BeastBD Maw LurkerBD NighthowlBD ThunderpunchBD WillowcrushBeing PatientBixie 1Bixie 2Black BurrowBreeding Grounds 1Breeding Grounds 2Crushbone - HHCrystal CavernsCrystal CoreDead Hills 1Dead Hills 2Demi-Mayon MistmoreDemi-PerformerDragons Dragons DragonsEast WastesEpic FightsEvantilFinal AttendFippys RevengeFoS 2Fos 3FrostcryptGenerals - 6 towerGiants Giants GiantsGrelleth, Her Majesty the QueenGroundsHate MHate's Fury (17th Anniversary)Kael DrakkelKing of Beasts Lady Vox - HHLeft GuildLegacy RaidLith Upper FloorLord Nagafen Lord Nagafen - First KillMain ChangeMind ShearMindblightMini - Tower 5.5Neriak 1Neriak 2New Event trialOn TimePallaraxPallarax -HardQueen MalarianQueen Malarian - HARDRitual of TerrorRoF Shards LandingRottrued the TwistedSacrificeSarithScryingRoF Valley of king XorbbStasisSteel BehemothsTainted WK 2Tainted West KaranaThe WellTick TockTimeStampToVToV AaryonarToV CekenarToV Dagarn the DestroyerToV JorlleagToV Lady MirenillaToV Lady NevederiaToV Lord KoiDokenToV SevalakTov Lord FeshlakTov Lord KreizennTower of Frozen ShadowTrophy RoomValley of LunanynVenom LordVenon Lord- HardVishimtarVoxTBM Vim and VigorRBB DKP TransferFearPlane of WarCrypt of SulNew Expansion NamesEoK Chardok PrinceMercenary eventInnoruukAncientsKurns TowerCouncil DividedUnder FootSanctum SomniumLichen CreepTime and TidesTwo Sides of the StoneLady of LightOrder of ThreeTBM EmolliousTBM GrannusTimeEoK LceaniumEoK Chardok QueenRoS CatcusRoS GorowynToV Great DivideToV Griklor the RestlessEoK LabsTBL DoomfireToV Servant of the SleeperTBL Stratus: Zephyr's FightTBM Wither and DecayTBM Damsel of DecayTBM Lady of LifeCoV ZlandicarKorascian Warrens: Showdown ToV Avatar of WarCoV TantorCoV SontalakNoS Mean StreatToV Seeking the SorcerorCoV KlandicarNew Expansion adjustmentLevel bonusCoV Three DragonsToL Shei VinitrasToL Aten Ha RaToL ZelnithakToL Netherbian Swarm CommanderToL DoomshadeToL Oubliette of LightEoK Atrebe's VaultEoK The Kar'ZokDefense of the CityNoS Shiknar QueeenDeathknell NoS When one Door ClosesEoK Temple of DrogaKarnor's Castle: Mad EmperorLS - Prisoners of Ankexfen KeepNoS The Spirit FadesNoS Myconid MutinyField of ScalePraetor VitioGone year or moreBOT dkp removalNoS The Shadows MoveNoS Pit FightNoS Under SiegeDKP Penalty for overspending DKPLS - The Return of KanghammerLS - Bidils the QuickhandLS - Heros Are ForgedNoS The ArtistLS - What is this for?Paineel: Inner TurmoilLS - The Artisan and the DruidLS - Shadow of My ShadowLS - Final FugueAnniversary BonusDKP DKP Raids (30 days) DKP Raids (lifetime) Druidbeast 120 Bot/Alt Main 2.00 0% (0/0) 0% (2/1502) Items Adjustments Raids Raid attendance Raid Attendance History 2 Date Name Note Value 01,04.22 CoV Zlandicar 1.00 01,04.22 On Time 1.00 Item Purchase History 0 Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value Individual Adjustment History 0 Date Chars Reason Value Icon Event Raids (lifetime) Crystal Caverns 0.00% (0/0) Aaryonar 0.00% (0/0) Lord Nagafen - First Kill 0.00% (0/0) Breeding Grounds 1 0.00% (0/0) Grelleth, Her Majesty the Queen 0.00% (0/0) RBB DKP Transfer 0.00% (0/0) NoS Shiknar Queeen 0.00% (0/48) DKP Penalty for overspending DKP 0.00% (0/0) Field of Scale 0.00% (0/0) ToV Servant of the Sleeper 0.00% (0/9) NoS Myconid Mutiny 0.00% (0/20) NoS Pit Fight 0.00% (0/3) LS - The Return of Kanghammer 0.00% (0/29) NoS The Artist 0.00% (0/1) LS - What is this for? 0.00% (0/24) LS - Prisoners of Ankexfen Keep 0.00% (0/14) Paineel: Inner Turmoil 0.00% (0/1) Anniversary Bonus 0.00% (0/0) Praetor Vitio 0.00% (0/0) CoV Zlandicar 1.00% (1/98) CoV Three Dragons 0.00% (0/1) NoS Mean Streat 0.00% (0/15) NoS The Shadows Move 0.00% (0/20) LS - Bidils the Quickhand 0.00% (0/30) LS - Shadow of My Shadow 0.00% (0/29) LS - Heros Are Forged 0.00% (0/15) Queen Malarian - HARD 0.00% (0/0) Queen Malarian 0.00% (0/0) Pallarax 0.00% (0/0) Pallarax -Hard 0.00% (0/0) On Time 0.00% (1/377) Crystal Core 0.00% (0/0) Final Attend 0.00% (0/372) Rottrued the Twisted 0.00% (0/0) FoS 2 0.00% (0/0) Vox 0.00% (0/0) Black Burrow 0.00% (0/0) Venom Lord 0.00% (0/0) Venon Lord- Hard 0.00% (0/0) Mindblight 0.00% (0/0) Mind Shear 0.00% (0/0) Trophy Room 0.00% (0/0) Stasis 0.00% (0/0) Scrying 0.00% (0/0) Fippys Revenge 0.00% (0/0) New Event trial 0.00% (0/0) Sacrifice 0.00% (0/0) Mini - Tower 5.5 0.00% (0/0) Generals - 6 tower 0.00% (0/0) Frostcrypt 0.00% (0/0) Lith Upper Floor 0.00% (0/0) Giants Giants Giants 0.00% (0/0) Dragons Dragons Dragons 0.00% (0/0) Tick Tock 0.00% (0/0) BD Deathleaper 0.00% (0/0) BD Deathglider 0.00% (0/0) BD Bopo 0.00% (0/0) BD Bonecracker 0.00% (0/0) BD Jorth Hunter of Beast 0.00% (0/0) BD Maw Lurker 0.00% (0/0) BD Nighthowl 0.00% (0/0) BD Thunderpunch 0.00% (0/0) BD Willowcrush 0.00% (0/0) BD Elder Gotikan 0.00% (0/0) Vishimtar 0.00% (0/0) Argath 1 0.00% (0/0) Demi-Performer 0.00% (0/0) Demi-Mayon Mistmore 0.00% (0/0) Steel Behemoths 0.00% (0/0) Ritual of Terror 0.00% (0/0) Tower of Frozen Shadow 0.00% (0/2) Grounds 0.00% (0/0) Being Patient 0.00% (0/5) The Well 0.00% (0/0) Crushbone - HH 0.00% (0/0) Lady Vox - HH 0.00% (0/0) Fos 3 0.00% (0/0) Legacy Raid 0.00% (0/3) Epic Fights 0.00% (0/0) RoF Shards Landing 0.00% (0/0) Sarith 0.00% (0/0) ToV 0.00% (0/0) Valley of Lunanyn 0.00% (0/0) ToV Lord KoiDoken 0.00% (0/0) ToV Dagarn the Destroyer 0.00% (0/4) ToV Sevalak 0.00% (0/0) ToV Cekenar 0.00% (0/0) Left Guild 0.00% (0/0) ToV Jorlleag 0.00% (0/0) ToV Lady Nevederia 0.00% (0/0) TimeStamp 0.00% (0/52) ToV Aaryonar 0.00% (0/0) King of Beasts 0.00% (0/0) ToV Lady Mirenilla 0.00% (0/0) Tov Lord Feshlak 0.00% (0/0) Tov Lord Kreizenn 0.00% (0/0) Kael Drakkel 0.00% (0/7) East Wastes 0.00% (0/0) Main Change 0.00% (0/0) Lord Nagafen 0.00% (0/0) Evantil 0.00% (0/0) Breeding Grounds 2 0.00% (0/0) Tainted West Karana 0.00% (0/0) Bixie 2 0.00% (0/0) Tainted WK 2 0.00% (0/0) Dead Hills 1 0.00% (0/0) Dead Hills 2 0.00% (0/0) Bixie 1 0.00% (0/0) Neriak 1 0.00% (0/0) Neriak 2 0.00% (0/0) Argin-Hiz 0.00% (0/0) Arx Mentis 1 0.00% (0/0) Hate's Fury (17th Anniversary) 0.00% (0/3) Arx Mentis 2 0.00% (0/0) Hate M 0.00% (0/0) Anniversary 0.00% (0/0) TBM Vim and Vigor 0.00% (0/0) Defense of the City 0.00% (0/0) Fear 0.00% (0/0) Plane of War 0.00% (0/0) Crypt of Sul 0.00% (0/0) New Expansion Names 0.00% (0/0) EoK Chardok Prince 0.00% (0/1) EoK Temple of Droga 0.00% (0/0) Mercenary event 0.00% (0/0) Innoruuk 0.00% (0/0) Ancients 0.00% (0/0) Kurns Tower 0.00% (0/0) Council Divided 0.00% (0/0) Under Foot 0.00% (0/0) Sanctum Somnium 0.00% (0/0) Lichen Creep 0.00% (0/0) Time and Tides 0.00% (0/0) Two Sides of the Stone 0.00% (0/0) Lady of Light 0.00% (0/0) Order of Three 0.00% (0/0) TBM Emollious 0.00% (0/0) TBM Grannus 0.00% (0/0) Time 0.00% (0/0) EoK Lceanium 0.00% (0/0) EoK Chardok Queen 0.00% (0/1) RoS Catcus 0.00% (0/0) RoS Gorowyn 0.00% (0/0) ToV Great Divide 0.00% (0/8) ToV Griklor the Restless 0.00% (0/18) EoK Labs 0.00% (0/0) TBL Doomfire 0.00% (0/0) TBL Stratus: Zephyr's Fight 0.00% (0/1) TBM Wither and Decay 0.00% (0/0) TBM Damsel of Decay 0.00% (0/0) TBM Lady of Life 0.00% (0/0) Korascian Warrens: Showdown 0.00% (0/1) ToV Avatar of War 0.00% (0/2) CoV Tantor 0.00% (0/50) CoV Sontalak 0.00% (0/11) ToV Seeking the Sorceror 0.00% (0/5) CoV Klandicar 0.00% (0/1) New Expansion adjustment 0.00% (0/0) Level bonus 0.00% (0/0) ToL Shei Vinitras 0.00% (0/88) ToL Aten Ha Ra 0.00% (0/1) ToL Zelnithak 0.00% (0/26) ToL Netherbian Swarm Commander 0.00% (0/2) ToL Doomshade 0.00% (0/0) ToL Oubliette of Light 0.00% (0/11) EoK Atrebe's Vault 0.00% (0/1) EoK The Kar'Zok 0.00% (0/1) RoF Valley of king Xorbb 0.00% (0/6) Deathknell 0.00% (0/1) NoS When one Door Closes 0.00% (0/30) Karnor's Castle: Mad Emperor 0.00% (0/2) NoS The Spirit Fades 0.00% (0/35) Gone year or more 0.00% (0/0) BOT dkp removal 0.00% (0/0) NoS Under Siege 0.00% (0/3) LS - The Artisan and the Druid 0.00% (0/11) LS - Final Fugue 0.00% (0/3)