• Friday, March 14, 2025 11:08

Write application

Personal information

Please provide a valid email-address, because you will get all notifications about your application to the provied email-address.

Character's Name

What level is your character?

How many AAs does your character have?

What is your real life age? (This is for Ventrilo channel access only.)

Do you have the Ventilo client? (If you do not please get it.)

Are you the original owner of this toon?

Does anyone else have access to your account information? (Note you are soly responsible for any actions committed with this character)

Please tell us what alts or bots you have, include their name, level, class, and guild.

If you have belonged to another guild please tell us what guild you were in and why you chose to leave.

How many expansions do you own?

Please tell us what progression you have made in regards to the Void, Underfoot, House, Keys, and where you are at on your epic.

How did you hear about Halo Guardians?

Do you know a HG member who is willing to sponsor your application? It is not necessary, but can speed up the process.

Why do you want to join Halo Guardians?

What benefits do you feel you would bring to Halo Guardians?

What is your play style?

Are you able to raid with Halo and our Guild Alliances? (Raids are normally between 7:30-11PM EST)

Applying to another guild is grounds for immediate removal from the guild
Confirmation Code