User: Violencereborn

No comments available.
Characters 4
Raid Attendance History 1312
Date | Name | Note | Value |
12,19.22 | ToL Zelnithak | First Win | 2.00 |
12,19.22 | ToL Zelnithak | First Win | 2.00 |
09,25.23 | Final Attend | 2.00 | |
10,05.21 | CoV Tantor | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
05,02.22 | ToL Shei Vinitras | First Time Kill !!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10.00 |
08,29.22 | CoV Sontalak | First Win | 10.00 |
02,06.23 | NoS Shiknar Queeen | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
04,10.23 | NoS The Spirit Fades | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
04,10.23 | NoS The Spirit Fades | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
05,23.23 | NoS Myconid Mutiny | 10.00 | |
06,12.23 | NoS Mean Streat | 10.00 | |
07,24.23 | NoS Pit Fight | 10.00 |
Item Purchase History 77
Individual Adjustment History 5
Date | Chars | Reason | Value |
12,02.23 | Violencereborn | Adjust | 0.50 |
12,26.22 | Violencereborn | NewExpansionAdjust | -34.50 |
12,26.22 | Ankii | NewExpansionAdjust | -1.50 |
02,14.22 | Adrania, Alanator, Armi, Azgoth, Bahzerker, Baxon, Blizerac, Bloodfighter, Boltar, Booti, Bronz, Candar, Cervice, Dansnecro, Drazzi, Fabionar, Goadhead, Gottlos, Grrizz, Guta, Halycon, Janathar, Jubilee, Kalivoc, Kilanle, Kalimshon, Kublacon, Kyrtan, Mdiif, Medowwind, Morlocs, Nedji, Nurdibus, Ostori, Poisonivvy, Pyln, Rematicus, Rosemead, Rummpuled, Sadinmagi, Sedain, Skelros, Snowdove, Sprooce, Stamford, Tere, Troff, Uinen, Violencereborn, Warriorbeast, Willawenea, Wormane, Xoron, Yourend, Zaaan, Zack | New expansion 60 day max level bonus | 25.00 |
12,19.21 | Violencereborn | New expansion adjustment | -48.00 |