User: Novastrike

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Characters 5
Raid Attendance History 2297
Date | Name | Note | Value |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Yymp the Infernal | 1.00 |
04,02.14 | Tower of Frozen Shadow | WIN! Dbl DKP | 2.00 |
02,01.22 | Being Patient | wait time | 1.00 |
10,14.13 | ToV Aaryonar | try 2 | 1.00 |
10,14.13 | ToV Aaryonar | try 1 | 1.00 |
12,02.13 | ToV Sevalak | tried | 1.00 |
02,19.14 | TimeStamp | ToV | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | The Return of King Xorbb | 1.00 |
09,04.22 | Being Patient | Thank you for your patience as we lacked tanks to raid | 1.00 |
02,09.16 | TimeStamp | Thank you for your patience as we have many new folks tonight | 1.00 |
04,11.16 | On Time | Spent time getting Gina right | 1.00 |
12,18.13 | TimeStamp | shards landing | 1.00 |
12,18.13 | TimeStamp | shards landing | 1.00 |
09,24.13 | ToV Sevalak | Sev | 1.00 |
02,01.22 | CoV Tantor | second attempt | 1.00 |
08,09.22 | ToL Oubliette of Light | second attempt | 1.00 |
08,16.22 | ToL Oubliette of Light | Second attempt | 1.00 |
04,23.14 | Final Attend | PoW diamonds (groups) | 1.00 |
04,09.14 | TimeStamp | PoW diamonds | 1.00 |
04,09.14 | TimeStamp | PoW diamonds | 1.00 |
04,29.14 | TimeStamp | PoWar - Rolfron | 1.00 |
04,29.14 | TimeStamp | PoWar | 1.00 |
12,23.13 | Final Attend | Plus one extra! Merry Christmas! | 2.00 |
12,23.13 | Final Attend | Plus one extra! Merry Christmas! | 2.00 |
12,09.13 | RoF Shards Landing | no win but learned a Lot | 1.00 |
02,08.16 | Neriak 2 | nicely done | 1.00 |
01,18.16 | Final Attend | Nice job almost got it | 1.00 |
08,09.22 | ToL Oubliette of Light | New Raid First attempt | 1.00 |
01,15.23 | NoS Mean Streat | New Raid First attempt | 1.00 |
04,25.22 | ToV Griklor the Restless | Messed up chest | 1.00 |
05,22.22 | CoV Zlandicar | Mains if you played a bot send me an ingame email | 1.00 |
05,15.22 | CoV Zlandicar | Main | 1.00 |
08,07.22 | Legacy Raid | Living Legacy Raid #4: Battle Prowess | 1.00 |
08,07.22 | Legacy Raid | Living Legacy Raid #3: Endurance | 1.00 |
08,07.22 | Legacy Raid | Living Legacy Raid #1: Marathon | 1.00 |
09,24.13 | ToV Lord KoiDoken | Koi | 1.00 |
11,18.13 | TimeStamp | KoB attempt | 1.00 |
04,01.14 | TimeStamp | Kael attempt | 1.00 |
02,26.14 | TimeStamp | Kael | 1.00 |
09,24.13 | ToV Jorlleag | Jor | 1.00 |
11,27.13 | Final Attend | Happy Thanksgiving. | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 1.00 |
03,05.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 1.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 0.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 0.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 0.00 |
03,12.23 | RoF Valley of king Xorbb | Guardian of the Gate | 0.00 |
02,19.14 | Tov Lord Feshlak | Fisrt Win Dbl Dkp | 2.00 |
11,11.13 | King of Beasts | First Win! dbl exp | 2.00 |
02,26.14 | Kael Drakkel | First Win! Dbl dkp | 2.00 |
08,29.22 | CoV Sontalak | First Win | 10.00 |
12,19.22 | ToL Zelnithak | First Win | 2.00 |
02,06.23 | NoS Shiknar Queeen | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
04,10.23 | NoS The Spirit Fades | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
04,10.23 | NoS The Spirit Fades | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
04,24.23 | NoS When one Door Closes | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
04,24.23 | NoS When one Door Closes | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
01,08.24 | LS - The Return of Kanghammer | First Win | 10.00 |
01,08.24 | LS - Bidils the Quickhand | First Win | 10.00 |
01,11.24 | NoS Under Siege | First Win | 1.00 |
01,11.24 | NoS Under Siege | First Win | 1.00 |
01,25.24 | NoS The Artist | First Win | 10.00 |
02,19.24 | LS - What is this for? | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
02,26.24 | LS - Shadow of My Shadow | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
02,26.24 | LS - Shadow of My Shadow | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
05,09.24 | LS - Heros Are Forged | First Win | 10.00 |
05,09.24 | LS - Heros Are Forged | First Win | 10.00 |
06,10.24 | LS - The Artisan and the Druid | FIRST WIN | 10.00 |
08,18.14 | Lord Nagafen - First Kill | First Time Kill -- Double DKP | 2.00 |
10,02.13 | ToV Lady Nevederia | First Time Kill! | 2.00 |
03,13.23 | NoS When one Door Closes | first look | 1.00 |
08,17.23 | NoS Under Siege | first look | 1.00 |
02,29.24 | LS - Prisoners of Ankexfen Keep | first look | 1.00 |
09,17.13 | ToV Jorlleag | First Kill | 2.00 |
12,02.13 | ToV Lady Mirenilla | First Kill | 2.00 |
05,06.24 | LS - Prisoners of Ankexfen Keep | First kill | 10.00 |
05,06.24 | LS - Prisoners of Ankexfen Keep | First kill | 10.00 |
11,04.13 | King of Beasts | First ever attempt | 1.00 |
10,23.13 | ToV Cekenar | first attempt | 1.00 |
01,01.22 | CoV Tantor | first attempt | 1.00 |
02,01.22 | CoV Tantor | first attempt | 1.00 |
08,08.22 | ToL Shei Vinitras | First attempt | 1.00 |
08,16.22 | ToL Oubliette of Light | First attempt | 1.00 |
04,15.14 | TimeStamp | EW | 1.00 |
Item Purchase History 269
Individual Adjustment History 5
Date | Chars | Reason | Value |
12,19.21 | Novastrike | New expansion adjustment | -33.00 |
11,14.23 | Novastrike | DKP Penalty for overspending DKP | -9.00 |
12,26.22 | Kaylindia | NewExpansionAdjust | -2.00 |
01,10.24 | Kaylindia | Has not raided for over 1 year | -2.00 |
12,26.22 | Novastrike | NewExpansionAdjust | -2.00 |