Purchase History for Bludgeon of the Moon's Favor
![]() Bludgeon of the Moon's Favor
LORE ITEM NO TRADE PRESTIGE PLACEABLE Slot: PRIMARY Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 36 DMG: 838 Dmg Bonus: 117 AC: 604 This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls. STR: +127+63 DEX: +127+57 STA: +120+58 CHA: +126+68 WIS: +127+60 INT: +104+68 AGI: +127+68 HP: +22036 MANA: +20716 ENDUR: +20716 SV FIRE: +127 SV DISEASE: +127 SV COLD: +127 SV MAGIC: +127 SV POISON: +127 SV CORRUPTION: +4 Attack: +127 HP Regen +21 Mana Regeneration: +33 Clairvoyance: +241 Spell Damage: +173 Heal Amount: +205 Endurance Regeneration +1 Required level of 120. Effect: Perfusion of Plague (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) as Level 129 Focus: Sympathetic Perfusion of Plague WT: 3.8 Size: LARGE Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BST BER Race: ALL Slot 1, Type 5 (General: Multiple Stat) Slot 2, Type 8 (General: Raid) Slot 3, Type 20 (Ornamentation) Source: everquest.allakhazam.com Refresh Item |
1-Jun-2022 1-Aug-2022 1-Oct-2022 1-Dec-2022 1-Feb-2023 1-Apr-2023 1-Jun-2023 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Droprate default
Bludgeon of the Moon's Favor 0% | |
Other Items 100% |
Other Items 100%
Date | Buyer | Raid | Itempool | Value |
05,04.23 | Ginladar | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 5.00 |
04,27.23 | Lizfreek | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 4.00 |
03,28.23 | Sinfulheart | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 11.00 |
01,17.23 | Coolervn | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 13.00 |
01,09.23 | Alanator | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 11.00 |
12,26.22 | Janathar | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 19.00 |
11,21.22 | Sunsetthefirst | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 3.00 |
11,06.22 | Janathar | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 13.00 |
11,01.22 | Rematicus | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 1.00 |
10,23.22 | Fabionar | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 16.00 |
09,25.22 | Kyrtan | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 1.00 |
09,25.22 | Alanator | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 1.00 |
09,18.22 | Rummpuled | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 3.00 |
08,08.22 | Xoron | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 46.00 |
07,25.22 | Gemblie | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 12.00 |
06,20.22 | Stamford | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 66.00 |
06,13.22 | Candar | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 19.00 |
06,06.22 | Sirwilliams | ToL Shei Vinitras | default | 16.00 |
... 18 entries found |