Purchase History for Tormentor's Sparkling Ice Spike of Dominance
![]() Tormentor's Sparkling Ice Spike of Dominance
No Trade Prestige Slot: EAR Charges: Unlimited AC: 319 STR: +62+28 DEX: +72+31 STA: +72+31 CHA: +65+31 WIS: +65+71 INT: +75+71 AGI: +72+34 HP: +8282 MANA: +9066 ENDUR: +9066 SV FIRE: +84 SV DISEASE: +72 SV COLD: +79 SV MAGIC: +96 SV POISON: +89 SV CORRUPTION: +2 Attack: +64 HP Regen +11 Mana Regeneration: +11 Clairvoyance: +110 Spell Damage: +75 Heal Amount: +95 Endurance Regeneration +1 Required level of 115. Effect: Tiny Companion (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 0.5) Effect: Sharpshooting IX (Worn, Casting Time: Instant) Focus: Enhanced Minion XXVIII WT: 0.2 Size: TINY Class: NEC MAG BST Race: ALL except HEF DWF HFL Slot 1, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect) Slot 2, Type 5 (General: Multiple Stat) Slot 3, Type 8 (General: Raid) Source: everquest.allakhazam.com Refresh Item |
1-Sep-2021 1-Oct-2021 1-Nov-2021 1-Dec-2021 1-Jan-2022 1-Feb-2022 1-Mar-2022 1-Apr-2022 0 5 10
Droprate default
Tormentor's Sparkling Ice Spike of Dominance 0% | |
Other Items 100% |
Other Items 100%
Date | Buyer | Raid | Itempool | Value |
03,22.22 | Nefurus | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 2.00 |
03,22.22 | Adrania | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 2.00 |
03,14.22 | Zattin | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 8.00 |
03,14.22 | Eeal | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 8.00 |
02,08.22 | Wormane | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 9.00 |
01,30.22 | Enau | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 1.00 |
01,16.22 | Kuhle | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 1.00 |
09,26.21 | Janathar | ToV Servant of the Sleeper | default | 9.00 |
... 8 entries found |